1. Home Materials.
The construction of bar houses will always be popular, since the tree has many useful properties and allows you to feel close to nature. Some people consider the design of houses from the bar unnecessary for themselves, fearing the complexity of construction, high cost and the danger of fire. But thanks to the technologies that are used in the implementation of wooden house projects, most of these shortcomings are eliminated. Architects designing wooden houses use this natural material in several views.

The traditional material used in the construction of such houses is cylinder logs. They are in full compliance with the general ideas about the rural house. But recently, more preference has been given to the construction of houses made of timber. Construction companies offer you a variety of designs of houses made of bar, which differ in a wide variety of solutions. Several types of bars are of your choice – profiled, glued, rigid and they all have many useful qualities, such as heat preservation and sound insulation, water resistance and fire resistance.
2. working procedures.
Bar houses are practical and economical. And if you need a country house or a house for seasonal living, then you can choose an even cheaper design of a frame-type wooden house. In the office of the company you will be offered a large selection of various projects.
All building materials necessary for a house made of bar or frame are used from already finished factory elements. This greatly simplifies the entire installation process of the structure and minimizes production waste.
• Plaster in the house is completely excluded;
• Durability and energy efficiency at home;
• Minimum care requirements;
• Quick building of the house;
• Minimum cost of home decoration;
• Possibility of rescheduling.
It is up to you to decide on the basis of the above advantages of these technologies. However, it should be remembered that the construction of fast-moving houses, like any large-scale construction, has its own specifics, requiring professional knowledge and skills.
If you want your new warm and cozy home to cost a minimum amount, then choose a finished project. At the same time, manufacturers develop the layout of such houses very carefully, thinking through all the nuances of future life for customers.
1. Average number of bedrooms for residential building – 3-4;
2. Provide fire protection for the house;
2.1 Use fireproof materials;
2.2 Perform construction using modern technologies;
Profiled bar houses are an excellent choice, thanks to the special properties of the material, its many advantages over other materials, as well as the attractive modern look of such houses, which fits perfectly into the surrounding natural landscape.

New construction technologies, along with time-tested traditions, give such a house a modern style.
3. Advantages of a wooden house
Quick installation – thanks to accurate dimensions, they fit tightly and quickly assemble as a designer, but professionals need to assemble it, who will do it quickly and efficiently.
Profiled bar houses are very resistant to rotting, due to the shape of the material that will keep the wood from getting atmospheric precipitation. Therefore, they serve several generations of owners.